I started this blog a couple of years ago, basically because I get a kick out of sharing the weird ephemera the internet has to offer, and I got tired of having to be a dick to the friends of my friends who would say “Hey, can you add me as a friend so I can see the wacky stuff you post?”, and I’d have to say “No, because I don’t know who you are and it’s unwieldy-crazy already trying to keep up with everyone”. Spurred on by a certain someone who kept making lowball offers to buy sinthetik.com (I’d been sitting on it for YEARS – Hi Davien!), I put together this blog as a public place to redirect people to. And because I occasionally like to run my world-hole, I had a nice platform to share out rants and other bits of writing.


The thing is, I love writing. I really do – even if it’s part of a conversation where I’m frolicking like an absurdist otter or arranging points on a topic that I feel passionate about, I love doing it. It sparks my brain in ways that’s kind of like being exceptionally drunk with good friends except without the sudden and dire need for a bacon-wrapped hot dog at 3 in the morning, and the occasional accidental slobbering. There are things and ideas that drive me and move me, but while this blog certainly has certain leanings, I don’t want it to become trapped in some sort of idealized mold. I want to write because it’s fun, and not because I have an agenda to transform this blog into something beyond what it is -  a collection of silliness.


So, I work best when I interact with others. I’m not asking for forced commentary, because holy crap that’s no fun. But if you’d be interested to ask me a question, pitch me a topic, or just wind me up a bit, why don’t you ask me a question?




If you want to ask away anonymously, do so. If you want to do it while signed into tumblr, or sign your name to it, go for it. Ask for advice, pitch a subject, and thank you!