So, I'm going to be making some changes... 

First off, I'm going to be working on categorizing all of the "Other Sites to See" stuff off to the right, so you can get a better idea of what content you're looking for. 

Secondly, and more importantly, get ready for more actual content - especially as it relates to HAES, the "obesity epidemic", being size-positive, and other health-centric topics. Consider this your fair warning... if you're the type of person who likes to be a concern troll or is dead-set-convinced that fat cannot be healthy or believes the widely-discredited BMI scale is a valid tool...

... just, go the fuck away. Seriously. Don't bother. There are plenty of forums where you can go and feel better about yourself because the dreaded-fat-epidemic is the reason-du-jour for society's problems. That doesn't sell here and won't be tolerated. And that goes for discussions wherever this gets syndicated/reposted/regurgitated - it won't be tolerated. 

Finally, "Goodnight Moon" is on indefinite hiatus. When I start to feel like a creeper over what I'm posting, that means that I'm probably not clearly celebrating the original, intended goal. And so it will come back here and there, but for the most part... I don't feel like posting a manifesto with each one about how yes, hooray, sexybutt, but also reveling in the hotness of something that I was raised to feel should be shunned, and how it's also my way of celebrating my own effort to reach and establish healthy goals around my own relationship to my body. It gets preachy and boring and there's no real way to easily walk that line, so it's butt-siesta time.