It's been far past time to begin working on this site again. It's quite clear to me that I'm never going to pick up HTML again, and my photoshop fu is weaksauce.

Thankfully, I am to understand in the webbertubes two-point-aught world, content is king. And if I've proven to myself anything, it's that I can run my mouth off like crazy.

Test posts are going to appear and vanish quite a bit while I get down to sorting out exactly all the features of posterous, and exactly how I'm going to integrate them. Expect a formal launch with content within the next two months.

Also, to whomever it was that was trying to use GoDaddy as a proxy to make an offer for my domain, sorry - I've decided to get off my duff. But I tell you what - set myself and my wife up on a date with Sara Rue and Christina Hendricks, with a hot tub nightcap, and then we can deal. If you're out of curvacious redheads, well, I'm sorry we couldn't do business.

PS: Thanks to Chad Savage (of SinisterVisions fame) for getting me hooked up with this publishing platform.