Trommelmaschine.mp3 Listen on Posterous
Drum machines have often been lambasted as the death of music, and often complete and total evil. I say, don't blame a tool for how its being used - blame the person wielding the tool. When techno first started to reach a certain level of visibility in the 90's, I had *many* conversations with folks who derided it out of hand because it had to be soulless by virtue of the fact that it was composed electronically. I always found that attitude to be fantastically snobby... certainly, you may have an emotional connection to a given musical instrument, but why does something being electronic preclude that? Of course the tool influences the end product, but simply because it's new and different, it doesn't mean that it's not a labor of love. Indeed, it was the same sort of snobbery that was often leveled at punk music. And while it's not my cup of tea, I sure as hell could always respect the effort and drive that was poured into something. 

"Trommelmaschine" simply translates out to "drum machine". The phrase "drum machine" is so... dirty in the lexicon of so many musicians... and really, you know what? That's bullshit. This is, by no means, the output of a Mozart or Bach, but come on - it's fun and enjoyable and so much more than just what "drum machine" usually conjures up.