When Moby's "I Like To Score" came out, it was The Album for an entire summer. Driving to work from SF to Novato (ugh), grabbing lunch, or stuck in traffic, I listened to that CD obsessively... and holding it in my hands right now, I can see the scratches on the underside. Not enough to prevent it from playing, but definitely enough to show that this disc was well-loved, if not treated gently. 

The album was a compendium of Moby's pieces that had either been inspired by, or used in Movies & Television, often with some slight re-working to tighten things up, or even a complete re-recording with a new arrangement. "Oil 1", from The Saint soundtrack (yeah, remember that one?) was one of those songs. Great beat, fast but not too fast (great driving music), and upbeat. 

It also has "vocals". Well... moaning. And without fail - EVERY SINGLE TIME - I'd come to a stop sign or light, playing this song with the windows down, and the moaning... and I'd be pulling up to what looked for all the world like a group of church ladies in their car, all glaring at me.

Every. Single. Fucking. Time. 

So, check it out - but if you're at work, wear headphones.