I admit it. I failed.


I wanted, and thought, that I would have several horror-related techno songs for each and every Friday through October. And when I realized that I was one short, I thought I would totally have time to go out and find one that maybe had a series of great audio dialogue samples, or was a great remake of a classic horror movie score. Because, from where I'm standing, it was 2 weeks ago yesterday... that's just kind of how time is flying here.


That doesn't mean that this isn't horror related - but I really wanted something that lifted from a movie or TV show, or at least evoked the ambience of some of the most classic tropes from Halloween and old-school horror. So you'll have to "settle" for music inspired from one of the greatest horror stories to get RIGHT the fuck on top of my booboo for months, if not years:




This game got really deep into my head for several reasons... I found out much later that the design team was packed off to somewhere in the bay area for inspiration. It's quite clear to me that while Sausalito is the inspiration for much of the town itself, the grittier and grimier locales are lifted directly from the abandoned remains of the military gun battery installations removed after world war 2:












As a child, this place creeped me the fuck out - I felt, in my wee little bones, that above and beyond it simply being spookily decrepit, that something very very bad had happened there. And it stuck with me for many years, until I forgot... and was reminded again when I played the game...








Not to mention the entire plot, which essentially boils down to the protagonist having his worst nightmares made flesh, and in the process, coming to understand that his wife didn't die years ago, but weeks ago... and at his own hands, after watching her suffer horribly from a terminal disease.


(as an aside - apologies to Zombo, for buying him a copy of this game right when his wife was fighting cancer... yeeeeeeah, I'm not always the sharpest knife in the drawer)


In any event, this was music made by the composer, Akira Yamaoka, inspired after the game was completed.


