It's a scientifically proven* fact: If someone spends a significant amount of time telling you or anyone else in the vicinity that they're dangerous, particularly (subculture inserted here), or otherwise edgy, they're almost certainly trying to convince themselves of the fact far more than they're trying to convince you. 

There's nothing really wrong with that, mind you - especially when you're younger or going through a mid-life identity crisis, we tend to gravitate towards somewhat contrived personalities. When you're not sure who you are, sometimes an off-the-rack template as a foundation can really help. Or, you can do like I did, and gravitate towards the subculture that wears the biggest stompy boots and has a predilection for corsets and lacey bits and I'm just going to have to have a lie down right now. 


Aaaaanyways, there are those that can build a career out of telling you how much they're SUBCULTURE X, and it works well when you're younger, because you can listen to that and say "Hey! ME TOO!", and it's a great shortcut to self-expression (and often with some really great music, to boot). KMFDM has been a great example of that, telling everybody how they're KMFDM (in case we live amongst a neighborhood of overly-enthusiastic Men In Black) and they're all nifty marvy keen. 

Of course, this can wear thin after awhile, because well, you've come to know who you are and have a somewhat decent grasp of what you're all about, and having someone bleat their own personal slogans about themselves in through your headphones can be a bit of a trial. But of course, Friday Cheese is often all about the transformative power of nostalgia, and after awhile you start picking up those albums again to give them a listen to remember the good times you had with friends while listening to these songs, all crackly and electric with the power of self-discovery and heady with the potential of life choices. And suddenly, it's not annoying still, and it's definitely not at all (not even a little bit) once again dangerous and seductive...

.... no, it's fucking ADORABLE. And so with that, I give you two b-sides from Sheep on Drugs (who, deities bless 'em, are still cranking them out). And if you have to ask why I'm posting these songs, then I'm going to ask you to re-read this entire post and then have a ponder. 

Hardcore_Club_Mix.mp3 Listen on Posterous

The_flaming_Church.mp3 Listen on Posterous