Let’s just get this out there: It is about the sex – but it’s not just about the sex. It’s about fun, it’s about beauty, and it’s about celebrating what I personally find attractive. When it comes to pin-up/nudity, I know that people don’t always want to comment, often because no one wants to appear creepy or slimily objectifying. So, it’s kind of hard to gage what people think of it (y’all don’t have to comment, but feel free to use the facebook like button), and I kind of often wonder if people are cringing, enjoying, or rolling their eyes.


And then I get this note:

Your taste in women - let me tell you, this may seem silly, but from the day you posted a webcomic that had a bartender with a belly pooch, and you talked about how much you *liked* and appreciated that in women? That was the day I started learning how to boost my self esteem. To know that there were people out there that didn't just idolize the thin ideal made me feel about a billion times better about myself, and, hell, about humanity in general.


And please, oh please, don't ever stop posting those Goodnight Moon posts, because - DANG. :)


Everyone should get a chance to feel good about themselves, in their own body, and feel sexy. I celebrate what I know I love – and I hope you do too.


And now, back to your regularly-scheduled moon…

