There's a pin-up model by the name of Faye Daniels who just kicks ass - and we're not even talking my opinion, this is a clear statement of fact (do not dispute me). Spend some time googling her name, and you'll see what she's all about (and oh hey almost certainly Not Safe For Work search results, folks). She took a moment to post an outtake from one of her photo shoots, which is, hands down, the most awesome thing I've seen on the internet all day:


Yea that’s right…half the pictures I shoot come out like this.

Me semi falling off a toilet while taking off my clothes because I drank too much cheap win and I’m laughing way too hard at a stupid joke my photographer told.

I dare you to look at this picture and not smile and remember every time that you've been helpless with cackling mirth. Give it your best shot.