
Everyone, and I mean Everyone should do a tour of duty in the foodservice industry. Doesn’t matter what part – you’ll see enough to know just how much hard work it is to provide you with a meal, the razor-thin margins, and how little they get paid. Unless you received absolutely horrible service (and if you did, why didn’t you just walk out?), leave a tip. If you’re going to be even a semi-regular somewhere, leave a fucking tip – not only are you helping your server make an acceptable wage, you’re investing in a relationship. You’re showing them that you are a conscientious person, and you know what? You’ll get treated well because you’re remembering that the people making it all happen are human beings who want a level of dignity and respect, just like you – and working in foodservice is one of the best ways to learn that lesson, and start approaching every interaction with this concept as a part of it.

Plus, tip your favorite bartender and server well and often, and they will take care of you. And you’ll make a friend in the bargain, I assure you.