For me, this election cycle comes down to personal responsibility versus political capabilities, framed against the challenges that we face.

Everyone reading this is pretty sharp, and aware of many of the realities of the situation that we face. And in the last 4 years, for those of us on the left side of political inclination, we've had our own chorus coming together to drown out the voice of outlets such as Fox News and mouthpieces such as Rush Limbaugh. Putting aside the question of quality, it's been nice, because it makes that oppressive broadcast telling you that you're wrong, and evil, and tearing away at the foundation of our good society harder to hear. And that, in turn, makes you feel a little bit less isolated because no one can stand against that, and feel as if they are on a shrinking island surrounding by continents full of people who think You Are What's Wrong With Today.

So you exhale, and smile a little bit, because by god, someone is giving the bastards what-for. Even if they're a bantam-weight fighter throwing lighting jabs at the haunches of a giant beast, someone who has just enough reach is fighting back. And you feel that maybe, things aren't going to be as skewed anymore.

The problem is that this is simply fighting fire with fire, in a rather messy way. And it doesn't matter who started it - saying "Well THEY did!" when all around you is scorched earth isn't going to make it all better. As long as we continue to invest in a political process driven by candidates who point at their opponent as what's wrong with America, then we're fucked - regardless of whether or not they are right.

As long as we keep expecting more of our politicians, and less of ourselves, we're going to get exactly what we deserve.

I am deathly tired of shrill partisan bickering as the toxic runoff from unrealistic expectations. And while the least you can do is vote, the next incremental step up from that is to realize that you have to endure hard times, to take responsibility for your own actions, and to live your life with this understanding that not every bad thing is the result of the party in power (yes, even George W Bush). No politician absolves you of this, no party can negate this, and no paid pundit is qualified to gainsay it.

This is how I'm going to try and view the next 4 years. I am human, and will no doubt fall into the easy traps of expediently blaming an entire political party or movement. But I'm going to try really hard not to, because if there is ever a time where it rings all the way true, we don't want to be a collective group of chicken littles.