A Preface

I tend not to be comfortable with any militant –ism. From my own personal experience, I know that confrontational tactics simply entrench my negative attitude towards a given subject matter, regardless of how closely it may line up with my own moral or ethical code. The older I’ve gotten, the more I have tried to weave this into my interactions with people, saving true wrath for when scorched earth is the last recourse. And as a point of fact, I hate getting angry, because it’s a long road before I get angry – often farther than it takes other people. Not annoyed, but pure fury – and because it takes a long time to get there, people often make the mistake of assuming this is a limitless supply of patience.

This is wrong. It also means when I get angry, I get far angrier, and the size of that anger gets so huge that it requires a great deal of time to process all of it. And if there is a particular cause where arguing against it is to strike at the heart of me, then, at long last, I will be militant in self defense.

And, as I’ve mentioned elsewhere, I have a problem with fat-hate. So, if you feel compelled to tell me I’m wrong, or argue a point that ultimately places me in the role of a second-class citizen, then here’s some advice:

Shut the fuck up and move on. Really. If proving a point to win an argument wherein I discuss the scientifically researched way that I have chosen to live my life (as validated by both of my GP doctors), then go. Just go, and don’t come back. And you do not get to call yourself my friend, especially doubly so – because holy fuck, that tells me so much about what you must think of me that you’ve left unsaid.

And if this philosophy drives you to argue with me in spite of all of that, then I would ask you to consider your real motivations, and your own prejudices, that you would argue something to the point of seriously hurting the feelings of a friend. Because, in my book, that is far far more fucked up and terrible than failing to line up with any particular aesthetic of beauty, because you have failed the test of what I consider to be baseline human decency.

I am a militant, uppity fat-ass. If you have a problem with that, you know where the door is, since you came through it.

Now, having said that, on to the “Oh FUCKING HELL” portion…

This is footage of a walking “advertisement” for a “beauty” clinic in Estonia, with one girl portraying “before”, and one “after”. Putting aside the pervasively awful notions of how one must obtain conventional beauty at all costs….

…. the fuck? Seriously? The “After” girl has her skeleton stretched and her entire bone structure altered? God, the Spanish Inquisition was so forward thinking with employing the rack!