Note - you get this one day early, since tomorrow? I'M GOING TO DIDNEEYLAND!


Let's just be honest here... this movie was completely pants:





Great idea - what lurks on the other side of punching through the universe via a black hole? Apparently Sam Neil's breakdown as barely propped up by anemic script writing and a rather literal interpretation of Deus Ex Machina. Also, if it wasn't for this movie, this entire album would likely cease to exist.


In between Sam Neil trying to pull off evil, and waiting for the end that was telegraphed from the beginning of the movie, I did enjoy bits and pieces of the soundtrack - so I pleased, but not surprised, to find that Orbital had teamed up with Dean Kamen on the soundtrack.


Given that this is the music played during a scene where the volume of blood gave that elevator bit in The Shining a run for its money, this definitely meets the criteria. Enjoy!


Event Horizon by The London Metropolitan Orche Listen on Posterous