Tanya got her corset thanks to the awesomeness that is Autumn & Dark Garden:

Hey! I got my Tactical Corset yesterday. HOORAY!

Massive shout-out to Autumn who took it on out of sheer awesomeness and put it together beautifully. I am still firmly in the "do not buy one of these" camp due to the owner's behavior and business practices, but at least my ordeal is done. AND I have a costume for the 'Ween festivites.



Once again, Tactical Corsets has failed. From Tanya's comment below: 



Amazingly enough, he just flaked on me *again*.

On Tuesday (9/28) promised to have it to me by the end of the week (10/1). I told him I would like it in the mail by 10/4 (today), giving him several more days than he promised, in an effort to assure that this fiasco finally ended. 

He just called with another mouthful of excuses and no corset a few minutes ago. At least he's learning this time and didn't even bother to offer me a new timeline.

I asked him for another chunk of my purchase price back somewhere around promise-breakage #3, as truly.. this whole thing is way beyond ridiculous. He gave me an additional $100 back. For those of you playing along at home, the corset is now down to $148, which would have been an AMAZING price 8 months ago, and now barely covers the cost of my antacid bill. I have asked him to refund the rest, this is all way to effin' much. 

Word is that he's going to be working with Dark Garden in the future, which is GREAT (EDIT: See Autumn's comments below clarifying the relationship between Dark Garden and Tactical Corsets - there is no formal arrangement yet). He needs to work with some actual serious mo'freakin professionals. We'll see if he cares enough about the people he's already burned to try and make good, or if he's just going to try and pretend none of this happened and start over with an actual producion team.

In any case, the current sitch is that he's still screwing me over.. And god knows how long it will take him to catch up on all the people he's left hanging before he can actually take and fulfill new orders like an Actual Business even with DG in his corner.



Alex has not made good on his promise, and Tanya is not going to have her corset before the Folsom Street Fair this weekend. Here's her last update (from the 14th comment below): 


I was told by Alex on the phone last Tuesday (9/14) that I would have the corset by Thursday (9/23 - today). I received an email from Alex yesterday (after I chased him several times to get reply) stating that the corset would be indeed ready by Wednesday night (9/22), and he would deliver it to me Thursday morning (9/23).

I told him I'd be here at my office until 3pm, giving him a bit of room for the delivery since no one wants to do things first thing am (Trying to be nice and all.) I've been sitting here expecting him anytime since 9am.

He *just* called me at 2:30pm to tell me he will not have the corset for me. "His sewer went AWOL and he hadn't talked to her in 2 days" was his pisspoor excuse. You'd think that since he hasn't spoken to his sewer in 2 days, he just *might* have had an inkling before 2:30 today that he wouldn't have the corset ready. I'm sorry, but that's inexcusable, total bullshit and it's completely fucked me over.

So yeah. He's still failing to live up to his promises, refusing to be honest with his customers (even a LITTLE) and pretty much screwing anyone who believes his word.

Thanks heaps, Alex.


This is an unfortunate thing. I've been watching the hits really climb on this blog post the past few days, so I know many of you are watching/reading, and looking for updates. As I stated below, I love the idea behind this product, and have long-waited to see the actual gear (especially with the bonus of my smiling friends wearing said gear). That's not going to happen for Tanya, and I know it won't happen with anyone within our mutual circle of friends. I'm not going to say "don't buy from tacticalcorsets.com!", but I would ask that if you know anyone who is also experiencing issues to drop on by and share their story in the comments below. If you know anyone who is thinking about a purchase from tacticalcorsets.com, please direct them here so they can make their own informed decision.

And mostly, this is sad: It's a great idea, but not an exclusive idea. Someone else who is smarter, savvier, and more organized will enter into this niche market. In the long run, that will be great for all of us who love this idea. It's just a shame that from all appearances, it's not going to happen from tacticalcorsets.com. At the end of the day, no one deserves glory for only an idea - you have to follow through on the execution.

Especially when you've taken someone's money.

UPDATE! 9/14/2010:

Check the comments below - Alex from tactical corsets has responded and promised to make good. I'll update here again with what happens next. Thanks everyone for boosting the signal!



This is Tanya:


Tanya was super happy because she had placed an order for a tactical corset back in February 2010. And even though it was $440 for an item she wouldn’t receive for a few months, the pictures on the website are certainly happy-making:


Seriously – stop and look at the gear here: This is a kick-ass idea, updating the classic corset with a modern twist.

Also? Dead fucking hot in and of itself.

So Tanya is stoked – she’s placed her order well in advance of the Folsom Street Fair (scheduled to occur at the end of this month). So she waits, and that’s cool, because it’s being created for her – this isn’t any off the rack garment, it’s to be made to fit her. So she waits. I mean, after all, it’s supposed to take a month, but hey, things happen. So she waits some more.

And she waits.

And she waits more.

And waits even longer.

And finally, the owner stops answering all e-mails after June 28th.

Things happen. Life happens, we all know that. But the best of intentions don’t alter the end result: Tanya is out $440, after waiting for 7 months. Nice people can fail with every intent to make right, and bad people can take money with no intention of honoring a business deal. It doesn’t matter which one the tactical corsets guy is – because the end result is the same:

Someone got ripped off $440.

I’m not going to say don’t buy a tactical corset. But you should know how he’s treated one paying customer who happens to be one of the nicest and most hella-awesome people I have ever met. At the very least?

Until Tanya Regan gets her money back, no one should patronize tacticalcorsets.com! There is no excuse for not coming through, not communicating, and not refunding her money. And if you would honestly purchase a tactical corset but are displeased over this situation, please consider e-mailing them and let them know that until they get their obligations sorted out, and Tanya gets her money back, that you will not patronize them and you will let like-minded individuals know of your choice.

If you feel the same sense of outrage that I and many others do, please pass this along and boost the signal. In the best of all possible worlds, Tanya gets her corset, they get their business in order, and we can live in a world where people can get tactical corsets.