It’s the time when people arbitrarily make decisions because we stand on the cusp of a dividing line. If it works for you, then more power to you.

I’m not going to make resolutions to do more X or stop doing Y. I’m not going to catalogue my past to look for things that actually went wrong or that I’ve convinced myself were wrong in retrospect. Nor am I going to take that catalogue, and try to mold the future into something that it’s not. I, and so many other people I’ve known, spend our time under the tyranny of the past, only to lose the future. I would suggest that you do your best to make peace with your past, so you can enjoy the now, and having lived life, you might find yourself better prepared for the future than you ever suspected. If there’s any resolution I’m going to make, that’s it. And I hope that you at least consider it yourselves, because I’d sure like to see more people out there who are happy with themselves. It makes everything that now throws at you much smaller.

Pleasant wishes for a safe and splendid New Year to all.